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Professional Training


The Behavioral Medicine Program (BMED) is very involved in training the next generation of behavioral medicine researchers through both Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Training opportunities.


Predoctoral Internship

Predoctoral trainees can apply for the APA-approved clinical Internship in Clinical Psychology at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Within the internship, there are two intern spots for the Behavioral Medicine Elective available each year.

The Internship in Clinical Psychology includes the following rotations:

  • Outpatient Psychiatry

  • Weight Center

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

  • Blake 11

  • Gastroenterology Service

  • iCBT


The Internship in Clinical Psychology also offers other potential rotations.

 Get more information about Predoctoral Internship rotations.


 For more information about Postdoctoral Training opportunities, please email Christina Psaros, PhD.


Postdoctoral Training

The BMED Program provides additional training in clinical and research methods by offering postdoctoral fellowships. Since 2004, BMED has trained numerous postdoctoral fellows, many of whom stay on to become full-time faculty at Mass General/Harvard Medical School. Other fellows have taken tenure-track positions in academic psychology departments.

These fellowships depend on the status of various internal and external funding mechanisms. Typically, we know about the availability of postdoctoral positions for July or September after the end of January of that year.

Global Psychiatric Research Training

We also offer a postdoctoral training opportunity through the Global Psychiatric Clinical Research Training Program, a National Institute of Mental Health-funded T32 fellowship organized in collaboration with the Division of Global Psychiatry at Mass General. This fellowship is a protected time clinical research fellowship devoted to providing training to fellows interested in clinical research careers in global mental health. Fellows are mentored by Conall O’Cleirigh, PhD.

Training opportunities may be available at a few different sites:

  • Cape Town, South Africa: focused on evaluating nurse-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy intervention for HIV medication adherence and depression

  • Durban, South Africa: focused on reproductive health of women living with or at risk for HIV

  • India: focused on HIV prevention among men who have sex with men


More details about the fellowship can be found Mental Health Innovation Network's website.


Behavioral Medicine Training Goals

Short-term training goals

  • Review current rotations for…

  • Develop curriculum for research supervision


Long-term training goals

  • Recruit trainees with a documented track record of academic productivity (based on independent funding and/or scholarly productivity) in content areas that are in line with the BMED mission (e.g., HIV/AIDS, LGBT health, etc.).

  • Support recruitment and ongoing training of pre/post doctoral fellows from under-represented groups

  • Continue to secure funding pathways for interns who would like to complete a postdoc with BMED and launch their independent careers with BMED.

  • Provide tailored effective mentoring and support for successful transition to independence for trainees from underrepresented groups

  • Standardize “pathway to K”

  • Develop new rotations (generalist BMED experiences)

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